Students Working to Achieve Greatness
SWAG Program
The SWAG program's primary objective is to prepare high school students for future success by providing personal and professional development opportunities. Through SWAG, our students are prepared for post-secondary education, trade schools, or entry-level professional success. This year-round program's mission is to empower and motivate at-risk and under-served high school students to overcome social and economic barriers that impact their quality of life.
Students for the SWAG Program are recruited from Wellington and Palm Beach Central High Schools. Students will have bi-weekly workshops at their high school for one hour to discuss topic such as: Character Development, Financial Management, and Workforce Development. SWAG will offer to the senior students a paid eight (8) week internship during the summer to provide the students an opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired through the program's weekly workshops and mentoring sessions.
How do students benefit from participating in SWAG?
- Professional communication skills
- Self-efficacy for personal and professional problem-solving and goal-setting
- Soft-skills for career development
Educational Support
- Skills and confidence necessary to succeed in an academic environment
- Tools necessary to navigate an array of learning opportunities
College Tour
- On-campus tours of local colleges and universities
- Gain perspective on what kind of environment participants are looking for; it also helps applicants highlight their interest in prospective colleges
Community Service
- SWAG students are required to perform 25 hours of community service
- Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to their community
Career Guidance
- Professional role models and mentoring
- Career advancement skills
- Match students with employers in their desired career field
Professional Internship
- Development of employer-valued skills such as teamwork, communications, and attention to detail
- Expose students to the work environment and expectations of performance
- Expose students to professional role models and mentors who provide support in the early stages of the internship and provide an example of the behavior expected in the intern’s workplace